Darren Moore, PhD, LMFT

Associate Director of Clinical Training and Supervision
Clinical Professor of Psychology at Northwestern University’s Psychology Department


Teachers College, Columbia University, New York City, New York.
M.A., Higher and Postsecondary Education
Domain Area of Specialization: Organizational and Institutional Analysis

STAR Fellowship in Health Disparities Research,
Texas Center for Health Disparities,
University of North Texas, Health Sciences Center, funded by NIHMD

PRIDE Fellowship in Behavioral and Sleep Medicine Research    
Department of Population Health, Center for Healthful Behavior Change, 
New York University School of Medicine, funded by NHLBI 

Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, Virginia.
Ph.D., Human Development: Marriage and Family Therapy
Dissertation: Life After Bariatric Surgery: Men’s Perspectives of Self-concept, Intimate Relationships, and Social Support.  

Valdosta State University, Valdosta, Georgia.  
M.S., Marriage and Family Therapy 

University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota.  
B.A., African American Studies   

Academic Bio

Dr. Moore is the associate director of clinical training and supervision at The Family Institute at Northwestern University. He previously served as an associate professor and program director in another marriage and family therapy program and has administrative experience in both in-person, hybrid and distance-based programs. He has held key institutional leadership roles in academia, such as community placement liaison, site program director and program director. He has also served on the editorial review boards of various journals, has led presentations at national and international conferences, and has served in leadership roles within national professional organizations in MFT and in other areas.

Other Professional Involvement/Leadership Positions

Dr. Moore has been involved in a variety of leadership roles within MFT and within other organizations related to mental health, health and education at both the state and national level. He recently served on the AAMFT Board of Directors. Additionally, he will soon serve as a COAMFTE commissioner.

Research Interests

  • Obesity, weight loss, eating disorders and related addictions
  • Higher education administration
  • Workplace and mental health
  • Men’s health and mental health
  • Couple and family relationships
  • Fatherhood and fatherlessness

Awards and Recognition

  • Summer Pre-Doctoral Fellowship, Texas State University-San Marcos
  • Minority Fellowship Recipient, SAMHSA/AAMFT
  • Extra Innings Fellowship, Jackie Robinson Foundation
  • Dean’s Diversity Assistantship, Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University

Selected Publications & Presentations

Dr. Moore has published 28 peer reviewed articles (18 with student co-authors), with others under review and in progress, and has served as a consultant and co-investigator on an NIH grant. Additionally, he has presented at a number of state, national and international conferences. Dr. Moore has a research team and often works with undergraduate and graduate students. He has appeared in or been featured in public press (television, radio, traditional print, and online media) a number of times related to his research, clinical work and consulting.


Dr. Moore has taught or developed a total of 52 courses for undergraduate, masters and doctoral students. He has experience teaching medical students and law students, specifically related to mental health, marriage and family therapy, and diversity, equity, inclusion, and sense of belonging. He has taught in-person, hybrid and fully distance-based courses. At TFI, Dr. Moore currently teaches pre-practicum.

Academic Activities

Dr. Moore has been involved in various academic activities over the years, including mentoring, supervision, research, teaching, clinical work, consulting and program administration.

Professional Memberships

AAMFT, among others.

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